Home > Paid surveys and OAMC session

Paid surveys and OAMC session

April 20th, 2007 at 07:15 pm

After noticing that many of you are making some side money by completing online surveys, I thought I would check it out. Based on what I have read/heard/seen, I signed up with Pinecone Research (after finally finding a working link) and am waiting approval. I am thinking about signing up for another one as well and then trying it out before doing any more. The one I am looking at is Lightspeed Research. Anyone ever heard of them or done surveys for them?

Went grocery shopping last night for a few staples; OJ, crackers, fruit, etc. Didn't even have a cart full and came out with $99 worth. And everything we bought was on sale! We switched to frozen OJ, don't buy soda or chips, bought store brand everything that we could. It all just seems we are never going to be able to save money and eat well at the same time.

Will be going grocery shopping AGAIN tomorrow and Sunday because a friend and I are doing a marathon OAMC session. We are putting 20 meals together for each of us that will last us the better part of the month. But of course, buying the groceries is going to hurt the wallet A LOT! Last time I did this, it cost about $200, but the cost per meal was pretty low in the end. Took forever to put it together by myself, but should go a little faster with a friend.

Tomorrow is the first morning of the local farmers market. Around here, it is a wonderful social event and we look forward to it every weekend. This time of year they will have fresh asparagus, cheese curds, bedding plants, fresh baked goods. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and I can't wait. We start by getting a cup of coffee (chai for me) and then walking around the capitol square to check everything out. We buy on the second lap. Have to find the best price for asparagus!

Busy weekend, but should be fun. Looking forward to finally having some nice weather to enjoy. Should be in the mid seventies with sun and a breeze. In other words, perfect.

6 Responses to “Paid surveys and OAMC session”

  1. JanH Says:

    I would love to go to our saturday farmers market, but they sell out before the sun is up! Have a great time!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Sara, the one I have made the most money on, was NFOmysurvey. If you sent me your first name and e mail address, they will e mail you using my name and invite you to join. You only get 10 points for a survey, but if they want you, they sometimes pay 500 points or more. You need 1000 points to get $10. I have already received $50. My e mail address is juliedenski @ Leave out the spaces.

  3. homebody Says:

    OAMC with a friend, great idea!!

  4. Aleta Says:

    I have been finding NFO my survey to be very slow. Sometimes you only get 10 points at a time and sometimes they ask you alot of questions that take alot of time only to tell you that you don't qualify. I think after about 5 or 6 questions that they should know if you qualify. I think they get alot of information out of you withour qualifying you. I have been with NFO mysurvey for one month now and I only have 190 points. You need 1000 in order to get $10.00. I don't know, maybe its me, but I prefer Pinecone. I have already done 3 surveys since March and I'm waiting for a check now. They don't put you through hoops.

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    I do Lightspeed. They have a lot of surveys but you don't always qualify. They are points based, most surveys are 75 to 150 points and some are 300, usually the ones that evaluate a new commercial. I have been paid by them and they use paypal, though I think you can get a check, but paypal pays the day after you cash out.

    Two really good survey sites that I've made a good amount of money with are Your2Cents and American Consumer Opinion Panel. Also, I like GlobalTest Market, even if you don't qualify for a survey they will give you 5 points for failing to qualify. They also send out a lot of surveys.

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    Oh, I forgot, do you do MyPoints? They give you 5 points per email read and site visit and then you can cash them in for gift cards. I usually end up with at least one $10 gas card a month. You can make more points by accepting their offers or shopping through their links, but just doing the site visit I easily make the $10 gift card each month.

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